2010년 2월 27일 토요일

blog post #4

The theme of the castle of Red Tower is freedom, people live with rules from the tower and live peacefully as they are just living a normal life without capped and are obedient to the Tripods. However they are still capped. Another moment in the chapter justify that theme is freedom, Comte and Comtesse treat Will, Henry, and Bean Pole generously, even though they are strange and awkward to them, speak different languages and they are escapees. Even Comte and Comtesse asks them to stay with them and offer him a job as a knight. But if this happened in other town ruler would probably treat them like a beast and let them being capped. All people enjoys together during the Queen of the Tournament competetion. Eloise feels so happy about serving the Tripods ,as if they are going somewhere like heaven. According to couple of snapshot from chapter 6, I can tell you that the theme of the castle of red tower is freedom.

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